Fear of needles is an overlooked condition.
You’ve probably never heard anyone say that they look forward to having their blood sample collected. But sometimes, the fear of needles can be so overwhelming that it causes you to avoid getting necessary medical care.
If you are afraid of needles or feel pain during blood collection procedure, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

With Butterfly Wing Technology,
91% of patients reported feeling
nil to negligible pain during
blood sample collection.2

Types of
Fear of Needles

Potential Challenges
with Conventional Needles

The Solution–
Thinner Needle,
Bigger Impact
Fear of Needles may Manifest as

Fear of Injections
If you have this fear, you might feel anxious about getting your blood sample collected. Hence, you may choose to delay or avoid necessary medical care.2

Perceived Pain
Having a blood sample collection – can be painful. Many people remember the discomfort and pain and worry about it occurring again when they return to get health procedures involving needles.2

Multiple Pricks Anxiety
If you have fragile veins, needle injuries during blood sample collection become more likely, making access difficult. This situation can increase your anxiety, expecting multiple needle pricks and potentially triggering panic attacks.1
Potential Challenges with Conventional Needles
- Thick needles are perceived to be more painful and hence make the overall experience unsatisfactory.2
- Heart rate and blood pressure drop during needle insertion.3
It also impacts:
Quality of Life: Anticipating an upcoming blood sample collection for weeks can be distressing.
Health: Avoiding needle sticks by skipping recommended tests and treatments can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequately monitored medical conditions, and undertreatment.
Long Life: Neglecting routine medical care can lead to unnecessary suffering and, in severe cases, fatalities.
To minimise pain and address sampling errors, an ultra-thin 25G needle is used with the introduction of a 5-bevel IV cannula, featuring an ultra-thin wall, ensuring sample quality is not compromised.2

The Solution - Thinner Needle, Bigger Impact
The Butterfly Wing Technology simplifies the process, ensuring nil to negligible pain and gentle insertion during blood samples for fragile veins. Its thinner needle potentially minimises the risk of injury, leading to less pain.
The technology is designed to:

Click below to experience the Butterfly Needle Technology with one of our partners.
1. Data on file.
2. Shah N, Nigam P, Jadhav M, Menezes G. Effect of BD Vacutainer® UltraTouchTM Push Button Blood Collection Set (25G) on Pain Perception and Hemolysis – The First of Its Kind Evaluation in a Reference Laboratory Setup in India. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. Published online May 30, 2023:150-160. doi:https://doi.org/10.14260/ jemds.v12i5.404
3. Ellinwood EH, Hamilton JG. Case report of a needle phobia. The Journal of Family Practice. 1991;32(4):420-422. Accessed February 8, 2024. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2010743/
Disclaimer: The information provided herein is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. All content, including text, graphics, images and information etc., contained in or available through this literature is for general information purposes only. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, please consult your physician/doctor. Becton Dickinson India Private Limited or any of their subsidiaries, affiliates or employees are not liable for any damages/claims to any persons in any manner whatsoever.

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